Before you can answer this question let's address a number of other issues first.
of us are drawn to the guitar for many reasons and objectives. For
most, it's safe to say, the desire to play for our own benefit is the
primary reason for investing the many hours it takes to become
proficient. It is an avocation; a fun way to challenge yourself. We have
no intentions of playing the instrument in front of a group or in a
group. If we do, it is invariably around the fireplace, campsite or at
the church social. Others truly do wish to become good enough to
participate in a group and look to incremental income as a gage of how
well they are doing. Finally, some are determined to play the best music
halls in the country or rock stadiums throughout the world. Which is it
for you?
The learning process itself can dictate the approach you
take regarding training. I venture to say that most who are intrigued
by the guitar start by learning a few chords to determine if this is
something they want to continue. Today, those chords and how to form
them, more often than not, come from the internet in the form of tabs or
videos. You should determine if self training is for you. Look into
your past. Do you tend to go it alone when learning new skills or
procedures? Do you have the self discipline to push yourself past
There certainly is not a lack of self proclaimed guitar
teachers/instructors on the internet these days. Don't get me wrong.
Many of these guitarists are quite accomplished and capable. In fact,
some have created very ingenious methods of using video techniques to
assist the viewer while trying to replicate the chord or riff being
demonstrated. That said this approach requires the student to apply
themselves. Remember, there is no instructor feedback only a one way
communication. Do you find that you need feedback while learning
something new?
For most guitarists, having the ability to
successfully play enough chords to entertain themselves and a few others
is sufficient. We all know that with 4-5 chords under your belt, you
have access to thousands of songs many of which are very recognizable to
the listener. But for some, that is just not enough. They want to
understand the theory involved. Understanding the underpinnings music is
important to them. How to read music, recognize keys, etc. is part of
becoming a well rounded guitarist and musician, in their mind. If you
are this type of person, are you able to drill down into the
"technicalities" of music theory? Do you have the motivation and
resources to do this on your own? Is it wise to consider doing so? Is
music instruction part of your future interests?
A wonderful
aspect of playing guitar today is the availability of fine instruments
at very reasonable prices. That means that for very little cash outlay, a
student can begin the learning process without significant financial
hardship. Talk to an aspiring piano player for the opposite view of this
issue. In addition, an incredible amount of virtually free training
information, written and in video format is available via the internet,
especially vehicles such as YouTube, etc. Do you have the resources to
pursue music training beyond these sources and for a fee? It is
important to answer this question honestly since so many students find
that shortly after choosing a music teacher, the expense becomes an
issue. Remember, music instructors not only have a right to expect
proper payment for their knowledge but truly deserve the fees that they
So, is a music teacher the best way for you to learn guitar?
if you are determined to become the best player possible, in the
shortest time; may not have the needed self discipline necessary or
inclination to self train; music theory is considered essential and you
have the resources to pay for your needs, then, yes, you should seek a
music teacher/instructor. That is not to say to you should abandon the
wealth of knowledge and tools available elsewhere to compliment this